Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reverb10/Post 1/ One Word-


I have found a great website called Reverb10. Everyday they will email me prompt to look back on this year and reflect into next year. I am a day late starting this so tonight I am going to do yesterdays and I will catch up over the weekend posting my thoughts here. I will also be writing this in my journal. So here goes-

December 1- (One word) Think of one word that would encapsulate the year 2010. What would that word be? Now think ahead to 2011 and what would you like the word to be that captures 2011.

Well I choose a word for 2010 in January and that word was DREAM. I can say that it has not been what my year has captured. I think what word most captures 2010 for me is REFLECTION. I have found this year that I have been reflecting or looking back at the past and trying to see where I can go from here. I have decided to start a journal that I write in everyday and this will help with that. I also have found that I have to just let stuff go. I can't change what has happened to me, my family, my friendship or life in general in the past, but I have a huge impact on how my life and that of my families will be in the future. I also could say that I have found that Family has come to mean a lot to me as this year has been bumpy one.

I want to be a better mother, wife and friend. So I guess right now I still have some thinking to do on my word for 2011 but it will come to me and I will post it here. I will also be incorporating this into my December Daily that I am doing and in my journal. I have dedicated myself to be here everyday in one form or the other, and I am excited to see where this takes me.

Until tomorrow with another prompt and some pictures of what I have been up to lately.

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