Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to One and All!

I am back!  This old blog has seen better days and in 2012 it will be a place that will evolve and change as I do. If you look on my side bar you can see a few new things. I am participating in three classes at Big Picture Classes. I am taking One Little Word (my word is Change.), Move More Eat Well, and Twelve. I am also continuing to do Project Life. I have done this for the past two years. This year I will be sharing it here as I progress through the year.

In the next few days I will be posting pictures of the December Daily that I did this year. I have a few more pictures to print and stories to get down this week and then I will have a post on it. I will also give you a little of the background story on my OLW-Change this year. It has already had an impact on my life.

I will be providing lots of links to things I find that are helping me with my journey from the internet and blogs I follow.

I hope this finds you ready to embrace 2012 and make it your best year yet.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a great start to 2012! Hurray for "change"!